Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Biography
Source ( proper word and spelling of the dress is SHALWAR KAMIZ OR QAMIZ not Salwar kamiz which used only by non urdu, non pashto speaking inhabitants of India. The word itself is of Pashto origin and is pronounced with a voicles ALveopalatal "SHHHHH" sound not a voiceless Alveoloar "SS" sound. Please let the correctons stand. Also if any one can change the Main title spelling to Shalwar kamiz that would be great as well. But Salwar as an alternative specific geographical pronounciation should be indeed mentioned. Thankyou, omerlivesOmerlives 00:30, 5 March 2006 (UTC)
Your opinion is welcome, but the spelling Salwar Kamiz is more common. The proverbial google test reveals 100 times more hits (1.2 Million vs 13,000) for Salwar Kamiz as compared to Shalwar Qamiz. So, according to Wikipedia convention, this article is correctly using the spelling. You might look above for more discussion on the topic. Thanks. --Ragib 01:16, 5 March 2006 (UTC)
Dear Nagib, From whence is the spelling more common? First off that is a totaly irrelevant thing. The proper pronounciation does not depend upon how many people pronounce a certain thing some way but on the speakers of langauge for whom it is the mother tongue. And in the least it should be desgnated as the main pronounciatoin before geographical alterntive adaptations are considered. Even so Google returns more than double the hits for shalwar kamiz than salwar kamiz i:e 1.47 million vs. 684k. But this is not by any stretch any criteria or method to pick and choose terms God forbid. Unless one wants a comic releif. I am changing the article back to the more accurate form. Please donot change th article lest I report you. Please feel free to convey as to why Salwar Kamiz be the main spelling. omerlivesOmerlives 01:29, 5 March 2006 (UTC)
I changed everything back. Please don't be silly. If encyclopedia users want to find out about salwar kamiz, they are going to type in the term that they know. In language, majority rules -- and in this case, salwar kamiz has become an English word. You can spell the word as you like in the Urdu Wikipedia, if there is one, but this is the English Wikipedia and we use the terms that are the most common in English. Zora 02:07, 5 March 2006 (UTC).
I agree with Zora. Regarding google's results, did you really use google and found out "Shalwar Kamiz" gives more results? Because right now, I checked back, and "Shalwar Kamiz" returns 148,000 results whereas "salwar kamiz" returns 1.2 million results. The point is, using the more common term is a tradition in wikipedia, and that's what is being applied here. It is not something like misspelling of a south asian word by non-south-asians ... rather the usage of a more common spelling as used in the region where salwar kamiz is prevalent. Thanks. --Ragib 02:25, 5 March 2006 (UTC).
Sorry guys, unsound arguments. First offs in most dictionaies the word appears as Shalwar along with mentioning that it is of udu/persian origin (which infact isn't quite true as it is Pushto albeit of the Iranian family).Secondly, just like a variety of urdu word are mispronounced by non urdu speakers in India such as the urdu letters and words begining with the voiceless velar fricative "kh" as in khan, khun, khuda are pronounced by hindi speakers or indians in general as an aspirated voiceless velar plosive like Kahn, kuhn and so forth. This does not make it right or acurate.
Let me give you a simple example. Majority of the muslims in the islamic world are overwhelmingly non arab, hence numerically the majority pronounced the word ramadan as ramzan. This does not make it right nor acceptable as the main pronounciation. The english equivalent tries to be quite faithful to the original arabic "duad" as Ramadan.
The dress is associated with the muslims and the culture of afghan, urdu, indo-persian. Just because in UK there are many indian expatriats who have popularized salwar does not mean that it becomes the original or conventional pronounciation or should be attempted to pass off as such on an encylcopdia. That is bias. Just as I am sure Ramzan might be more popular in UK instead of Ramadan.
To write Salwar as the original or somehow more conventional pronounciation just because the some editors may pronounce the word that way is never a criteria for providing info on a subject. I am not against for mentioning Salwar as an alternative pronounciation because of linguistic reasons from certain ethnic groups, but that does not mean that the original word should be sidelined.
And Nagib. Here are the two search links for google pertaining to Shalwar kamiz and Salwar Kamiz. And just like I said earlier this is a foolish criteria and is totally irrelavant when deciding upon this issue. Elseways i'll take the issue to a thid party administrator. I will not edit the article again until later tonight if I don't see any other alternative suggeston or pov s. Thanks omerlivesOmerlives 03:27, 5 March 2006 (UTC)
Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani

Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani
Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani
Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani
Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani

Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani
Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani

Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Designs for Men Women Girls 2013 Pakistani

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